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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - real


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1) реальность; действительность || реальный; существующий; действительный

2) подлинный; истинный

3) действительное число, вещественное число || действительный, вещественный

4) опт. действительный (об изображении)

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См. в других словарях

  jam sl. пальчики оближешь; удовольствие, наслаждение REAL property недвижимость REAL tennis теннис на закрытом корте REAL I  1. adj.  1) действительный, настоящий, реальный, подлинный, истинный, неподдельный, несомненный; the real state of affairs - действительное положение вещей; the actor drank real wine on the stage - актер пил настоящее вино на сцене  2) недвижимый (об имуществе); - real property the real Simon Pure - не подделка, нечто настоящее - the real thing Syn: see genuine  2. noun (the real) действительность  3. adv. coll. очень, действительно, совсем II noun реал (старая испанская монета) REAL wages реальная заработная плата ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. филос. действительность 2. нечто реальное, конкретное, вещественное; предмет, вещь Id: are you for real? —- ам. сл. вы не шутите?, не может быть!; это просто невероятно! (выражает радостное удивление) Id: they were fighting for real —- они дрались не на шутку 3. действительный, реальный, действительно существующий real events —- реальные события real life —- действительность to constitute a real danger —- представлять (собой) несомненную (реальную) опасность a real oasis, not a mirage —- это настоящий оазис, а не мираж these things are real and no fancies —- все это реально существующие вещи, а не плод воображения you wouldn't find such a character in real life —- в жизни такие типы не встречаются the characters in the play seem quite real —- персонажи пьесы - живые люди 4. настоящий, натуральный real silk —- натуральный шелк real gold —- настоящее золото real and paper flowers —- живые и бумажные цветы 5. настоящий, истинный, подлинный real friend —- настоящий (истинный) друг a man's real character —- чье-л. истинное лицо the real reason —- настоящая (истинная) причина what is the man's real name? —- как его настоящая фамилия? he is a real man —- он настоящий человек, он человек с большой буквы there is no real doubt about it —- в сущности в этом никто не сомневался 6. эмоц-усил. сущий, отъявленный a real nuisance —- сущее...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. эк. реал а) (национальная валюта Бразилии; введена в 1994 г. вместо крузейро реала; 1 реал = 100 сентаво) See: national currency, cruzeiro real б) эк., ист. (серебряная монета, являвшаяся в прошлом денежной единицей испаноговорящих стран) REAL прил. 1) реальный, действительный; настоящий, неподдельный 2) несомненный 3) недвижимый (о собственности) 4) исчисленный в постоянных ценах • - assessed value of real property - credit secured on real property - exchange of real property - real agreement - real assets - real estate bank - real estate broker - real estate investment trust - real estate investment - real estate loan - real estate tax - real investment - real output - real property - real property holding - real servitude - real value - real wages - remit real estate mortgage investment trust Syn: tangible, concrete, workable, practicable REAL 1) действительный, настоящий; несомненный 2) недвижимый (о собственности) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вещественный 2) действительный 3) истинный 4) настоящий 5) подлинный 6) реальный 7) фактический calculable real number — вычислимое вещественное число continuum of real numbers — континуум вещественных чисел essentially real function — существенно вещественная функция formally real field — формально действительное поле function of real variable — функция вещественного переменного group of real line — группа вещественной оси on a real time basis — в реальном масштабе времени polynomial of real numbers — многочлен с вещественными коэффициентами real analytic immersion — вещественное аналитическое погружение real characteristic class — характеристический класс вещественного вектора расслоений real number field — поле вещественных чисел real number line — вещественная числовая ось real number system — система вещественных чисел real time clock — часы реального времени recursively real number — рекурсивно вещественное число semigroup with real parameter — полугруппа с вещественным параметром separation of real and imaginary parts — разделение вещественной и мнимой частей theory of functions of real variable — теория функций вещественной переменной theory of real orders — теория вещественных порядков topology of extended real — топология расширенной вещественной прямой totally real field — чисто вещественное поле typically real...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. adj. & adv. --adj. 1 actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact. 2 genuine; rightly so called; not artificial or merely apparent. 3 Law consisting of or relating to immovable property such as land or houses (real estate) (cf. personal property). 4 appraised by purchasing power; adjusted for changes in the value of money (real value; income in real terms). 5 Philos. having an absolute and necessary and not merely contingent existence. 6 Math. (of a quantity) having no imaginary part (see IMAGINARY 2). 7 Optics (of an image etc.) such that light actually passes through it. --adv. Sc. & US colloq. really, very. Phrases and idioms for real colloq. as a serious or actual concern; in earnest. real ale beer regarded as brewed in a traditional way, with secondary fermentation in the cask. real life that lived by actual people, as distinct from fiction, drama, etc. real live (attrib.) often joc. actual; not pretended or simulated (a real live burglar). the real McCoy see MCCOY. real money current coin or notes; cash. real tennis the original form of tennis played on an indoor court. the real thing (of an object or emotion) genuine, not inferior. real time the actual time during which a process or event occurs. real-time (attrib.) Computing (of a system) in which the response time is of the order of milliseconds, e.g. in an airline booking system. Derivatives realness n. Etymology: AF = OF reel, LL realis f. L res thing 2. n. hist. a former coin and monetary unit of various Spanish-speaking countries. Etymology: Sp., noun use of real (adj.) (as ROYAL) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, ~, relating to things (in law), from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin & Late Latin; Medieval Latin ~is relating to things (in law), from Late Latin, ~, from Latin res thing, fact; akin to Sanskrit rayi property  Date: 14th century  1. of or relating to fixed, permanent, or immovable things (as lands or tenements)  2.  a. not artificial, fraudulent, or illusory ; genuine ~ gold; also being precisely what the name implies a ~ professional  b.  (1) occurring or existing in actuality saw a ~ live celebrity a story of ~ life  (2) of or relating to practical or everyday concerns or activities left school to live in the ~ world  (3) existing as a physical entity and having properties that deviate from an ideal, law, or standard a ~ gas — compare ideal 3b  c. having objective independent existence unable to believe that what he saw was ~  d. fundamental, essential  e.  (1) belonging to or having elements or components that belong to the set of ~ numbers the ~ roots of an equation a ~ matrix  (2) concerned with or containing ~ numbers ~ analysis  (3) ~-valued ~ variable  f. measured by purchasing power ~ income ~ dollars  g. complete, utter a ~ fiasco  3. of a particle capable of being detected — compare virtual 3  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: circa 1626 a ~ thing; especially a mathematically ~ quantity  III. adverb  Date: 1718 very he was ~ cool — H. M. McLuhan Usage:  Most handbooks consider the adverb ~ to be informal and more suitable to speech than writing. Our evidence shows these observations to be true in the main, but ~ is becoming more common in writing of an informal, conversational style. It is used as an intensifier only and is not interchangeable with ~ly except in that use.  IV. noun  (plural ~s or ~es)  Etymology: Spanish, from ~ royal, from Latin regalis — more at royal  Date: 1555 a former monetary unit and coin of Spain and its possessions  V. noun  (plural ~s or reis)  Etymology: Portuguese, from ~ royal, from Latin...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is real actually exists and is not imagined, invented, or theoretical. No, it wasn’t a dream. It was real... Legends grew up around a great many figures, both real and fictitious. ? imaginary ADJ 2. If something is real to someone, they experience it as though it really exists or happens, even though it does not. Whitechild’s life becomes increasingly real to the reader. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ to n 3. A material or object that is real is natural or functioning, and not artificial or an imitation. ...the smell of real leather... Who’s to know if they’re real guns or not?... = genuine ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. You can use real to describe someone or something that has all the characteristics or qualities that such a person or thing typically has. ...his first real girlfriend... The only real job I’d ever had was as manager of the local cafe. = proper ADJ: ADJ n 5. You can use real to describe something that is the true or original thing of its kind, in contrast to one that someone wants you to believe is true. This was the real reason for her call... Her real name had been Miriam Pinckus. = true ADJ: ADJ n 6. You can use real to describe something that is the most important or typical part of a thing. When he talks, he only gives glimpses of his real self... The smart executive has people he can trust doing all the real work. ADJ: ADJ n 7. You can use real when you are talking about a situation or feeling to emphasize that it exists and is important or serious. Global warming is a real problem... The prospect of civil war is very real... There was never any real danger of the children being affected... ADJ: usu ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 8. You can use real to emphasize a quality that is genuine and sincere. Germany has shown real determination to come to terms with the anti-Semitism of its past. ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 9. You can use real before nouns to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »NOT ARTIFICIAL« something that is real is actually what it seems to be and not false, artificial or pretended  (Is that ring made of real gold? | He calls himself Peter Jones, but it's not his real name. | He's never shown any real regret. | the real thing/the real McCoy)  (I don't like reproductions. It has to be the real thing or nothing. | This is the real McCoy - genuine malt whisky.) 2 »NOT IMAGINARY« actually existing and not just imagined  (The children know that Santa Claus isn't a real person. | very real danger/possibility/risk etc)  (There is a very real danger of an explosion. | in real life)  (That kind of thing only happens in films, not in real life. | in the real world (=in actual situations where people have to deal with practical problems))  (idealistic theories that don't work in the real world) 3 »TRUE« actual and true, not what people think or say  (John later told me the real reason for his absence.) 4 »PROPER« only before noun having all the right qualities that you expect a particular kind of thing or person to have  (Now he's what I'd call a real man. | The next day we had our first real meeting.) 5 a real idiot/beauty/disaster etc spoken used to emphasize how stupid, beautiful, terrible etc someone or something is  (You're a real idiot! | Our marriage was a real disaster! | Thanks - you've been a real help.) 6 no real chance/hope/reason etc if there is no real chance etc, there is almost no chance  (There's no real hope of Rod passing this examination..) 7 »MOST IMPORTANT« the real questions, problems etc are the most important ones  (The government has failed to deal with the real issues.) 8 real income/costs/value etc income etc that is calculated after including in the calculation the general decrease in the value of money  (a 2% annual growth in real income | in real terms (=calculated in this way))  (In real terms, the value of their wages has fallen.) 9 for real spoken, especially AmE seriously, not pretending  (After two trial runs we did it for real.) 10 get real! spoken,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  onc. abbr. Revised European American Lymphoma U.S. gov. abbr. Rural Energy Advice Link educ. abbr. Reach, Enrich, Act, And Learn educ. abbr. Respect Esteem Achievement And Leadership educ. abbr. Reinvent Education And Advance Learning educ. abbr. Rapid Experiential Applied Learning educ. abbr. Rural Education And Literacy educ. abbr. Reality Education About Life educ. abbr. Relevance Efficiency Attitude And Learnability educ. abbr. Respect Education Achievement And Leadership educ. abbr. Recreation Experiences And Leisure educ. abbr. Reading Enjoyment And Appreciation Of Literature educ. abbr. Real Education And Life educ. abbr. Reaching Educating And Learning sport abbr. Recreation Enrichment And Learning religion abbr. Reflective Experiential Active Learning religion abbr. Respect, Equality, Attitude, And Love law abbr. Real Estate Agents And Lawyers NASDAQ abbr. Reliability, Inc. pos. abbr. Relevant Experience And Learning account. abbr. Revenues Expenses Assets Liabilities ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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